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Jupyter Notebooks

Before we proceed any further, we will begin using Jupyter Notebooks here which allows you to write and run Python code in an interactive environment. This is a great tool for learning Python and data science.

Here's how we get one up and runnning:


We continue in our python-tutorial directory or whichever directory you have been using.

1. Set up a virtual environment

python3 -m venv venv

2. Create a Jupyter Notebook

In VSCode, to create a jupyter notebook, simply create a new file ending with .ipynb. For example, my_notebook.ipynb.

3. Open the Jupyter Notebook in VSCode

4. Select the Python Interpreter

Click Select Kernel then Python Environments... then venv with the path showing venv/bin/python.


This is how you set which Python interpreter to use for the notebook.

5. You're all set